Thursday, November 7, 2013

Amazing gingerbread cookies

When I am pregnant, I love cookies even more than I do other words, a lot. Baking is a comfort thing for me, and something I enjoy doing with my kids. Of course I enjoy eating them too, but that goes without saying. When Brett is not home until late, which has been almost every night recently, cookies are sometimes the result!

These gingerbread cookies are a recipe I adapted slightly from allrecipes, under the name Molasses Sugar Cookies 

This is now one of my new favoritest cookies....and that is not something I say lightly. Cookies are taken seriously around here. Soft and chewy on the inside, with a bit of crunch to the outside. Lots of gingerbread flavor, but not overwhelmingly sweet. (The downside to all of this is that I ate almost the entire dozen the first night, while they were still warm. The children helped some. Please don't tell anyone!!)

I also love that this recipe makes a large batch because these are perfect for giving to neighbors during the holidays. That is my plan anyway!! They will love me forever and possibly forget that my chickens sometimes stray into their yard...and possibly even their porch. 

Anyway, here are the instructions for deliciousness!

Molasses Sugar Cookies

3/4 cup butter 
4 tsps baking soda
3/4 cup shortening 
3 tsps cinnamon
1 2/3 cups white sugar 
 1 tsp ground cloves
2/3 cup molasses 
 1 1/2 tsps ground ginger 
2 eggs 
 1 tsp salt 
4 cups flour

1. Melt shortening and butter; cool. Add sugar, eggs, molasses; beat well. 

2. In separate bowl, stir together all dry ingredients (or just dump it all into the original bowl like I did). Mix well and chill for 3 hours or overnight. 

*If you are extremely impatient like someone I know when it comes to devouring cookies, do not be dismayed by these chilling instructions. I have it on good authority that slight chilling, of about 30 mins or so, seems to work just fine. They just aren't as pretty and crackled. So just bake one dozen immediately, eat and satisfy your sweet tooth, and then chill the rest properly and bake them the next day.*

3. Bake at 375 for 8-10 mins. Don't overbake if you like them chewy!! 

Makes 6 dozen

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