Thursday, March 6, 2014

Jackson's 1 year update

My sweet baby boy. How is he one already? I've said it every single month since he was born, this year flew by!

Jack has brought so much joy to all of us. He is sweet and even tempered, sensitive and thoughtful. When he is tempted to do something naughty, like play in the dog's water bowl (his favorite taboo activity), all it takes is a stern "Oh No" and he looks up guiltily and scoots away. I'm sure I'll read back on this in a couple months and laugh but I'm eating it up for now!

He and Ella absolutely adore each other at the moment. Their excitement to see each other when they wake up in the morning and the way Ella takes care of him and when they sit on the floor and share all just melts my heart. I hope they always have a good friendship, even though I'm sure it will ebb and flow as all relationships do!

Jack is sleeping 12 or so hours each night and still takes a morning and afternoon nap. I thought he was going to drop his morning nap a couple of weeks ago but it was a false alarm. He is almost 23 lbs and eats EVERYTHING. His favorite foods are pancakes, cheese, eggs, and peas.

He's been pulling up on furniture and walking along it for a while now. Just this week he's been letting go for a second or two and today I thought he was going to try to take a step! I'm just hoping he will walk before spring gets underway so we can all walk outside together. No one likes crawling in the dirt!

That's what's going on in Jack's life right now!

Spring, PLEASE HURRY up and get here!

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