Monday, January 13, 2014

Weekly Goals Recap

I followed the Dr. Oz Holiday Detox on Monday and Tuesday last week as a reset for the terrible eating habits I slipped into over the holidays. The link to more info about the plan is in my previous post but pretty much you are drinking lots of fluids and eating three small meals that added up to about 1100 calories a day. You are eating no sugar (unless your peanut butter has added sugar) and very little starches/grains and hardest of all, NO COFFEE.

Pros- I drank a TON of water and coconut water. Mostly, so I wouldn't feel so hungry. It helped me realize I drink nowhere near enough water on a normal basis. 

        I realized how much I graze throughout the day. I eat so much more than I thought because I pick at the kid's food and make myself extra cups of coffee or hot chocolate throughout the day. Because I was so strict with sticking to only those three meals, I was very aware of how much I want to snack!

      I also became painfully aware of how addicted to sugar I truly am. I don't drink soda or have junk food in the house regularly but my body depends on my morning coffee with cream and sugar. I was shaking by the afternoon on the second day so I did drink a cup of coffee with no sugar. It helped!

       I liked the simplicity of knowing exactly what I was eating and having a very clear plan for a couple days. I didn't mind that the two days repeated themselves. Plus, I had almost everything on the plan already in my house!

Cons-  1000-1200 calories is just too low for my level of activity. I burn an average of 2400 calories a day and the very highest calorie deficit healthy for me is 1000. I was shaky and tired from the combination of not enough calories, and the shock to my body of not drinking coffee, eating sugar, and so few carbs.

           The raw cabbage I was supposed to eat for dinner was my least favorite part of the detox. I like cabbage but not raw and in those amounts. The second night I roasted it with just a sprinkle of olive oil, salt and pepper and it was SO much better.

Overall, would I do it again? I would, as long as I made sure I ate larger portions.

I also tried two new meals off of Pinterest this week. I made these Cheeseburger Wraps which were so good and a huge hit with everyone in my family. I realized I need to break out my panini press more often!  My other meal was this Broccoli Cheddar Quiche. Quiche is a major comfort food for me. Mostly, because I adore pie crust.  I did make it in a whole wheat pie crust  and used half and half instead of heavy cream to make it a little healthier and the kids both loved it.

I did the first workout on the prep plan for the Rugged Maniac race. And almost died. I'm going to completely die in May.

This week my first goal is to walk 10,000 steps every day. That is almost 5 miles. You wouldn't think it'd be that hard but it's actually very hard for me to hit 10,000 on days I don't leave my house or work out! More incentive to do both?

I plan to try out two more recipes from Pinterest again. I really enjoyed having two meals I was especially excited about.

Hope you all are have a great week!

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