Sunday, January 5, 2014

Winter Motivation

Well, the holidays are officially over. They flew by as they always do, leaving behind a dead Christmas tree (that is going to make an huge mess when removed from my house) and me, feeling rather lost. I need some goals to get me through the next couple of dreary, grey, COLD months.
After eating and drinking way too much over the holidays, I also need a reset. I want to feel motivation to cook flavorful and healthy meals. I haven't cooked a good meal in weeks. I'm hoping to cure myself in two ways. 
First, I'm doing Dr. Oz's Holiday Detox. It's very simple; drinking lots of fluids and eating 3 healthy but plain meals for 2 days. I hope it will snap me out of my sweets/fatty foods overload. 
Second, I chose two meals off of Pinterest that look exciting to try this week. 
I'll post an update on how those two ventures go! 
As far as longer term goals go, Nick and I are planning on running the Rugged Maniac race on May 5th. It's in Petersburg, Virginia so we are going to make a weekend of it. They provide you with a handy 5 week training regimen that I plan to do a couple of times through before May 5th rolls around. It's very similar to the workouts I already do, except I don't do it in between sets of running. I'm excited to see how it goes!

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