Tuesday, October 1, 2013

12 Minute Total Body Workout

This workout is not original to me, but it is amazing so I wanted to post it! Think you don't have time to complete a truly grueling workout?! Think again!

 I personally am a huge fan of super quick, intense workouts because then I have no excuses. Who doesn't have 12 minutes to be healthier and feel better? Because this workout is so intense, I like to break it up into two 6 minute segments. Even if I only get around to completing one segment, I can still feel it the next day!

All you need is a timer and your body.

12 Minute total body workout

50 seconds jump squats
10 seconds rest

50 seconds burpees
10 seconds rest

Repeat twice, so a total of three rounds. 

Take a full minute rest (or a couple hours). 

Do it again from the top! 

This works your abs, back, arms, thighs, butt, calves, and probably any other major muscle group I'm forgetting. Your heart rate will go through the roof, but just for a short time, which revs up your metabolism and gets you burning calories! 

Since I'm pregnant and getting bigger, I don't want to be doing all that jumping and working at such high intensity. This is very simple to modify though and it is still extremely effective.

Pregnancy Modification

50 seconds squats with calf raises
10 seconds rest

50 seconds walk out to push-up position, push-up, walk back up
10 seconds rest

Repeat twice more.
Rest 1 minute (or however long you need to)

Repeat from the top.

*Personal note: I did the pregnancy version a few days ago and was sore in a good way for a loooong time afterwards. It works!! And confession: I only did the first section. Of course, I have not been faithfully working out during this pregnancy so if you're one of those super moms that works out every day then you might have to do the whole thing to get the burn I did!!* 

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